Door Entry System, Alcad 2002


In today's fast changing world, many of our products have proven to be exceptionally long lived and, therefore, exceptionally profitable. Our design vision provides a new meaning to the product that places it beyond fleeting fashions. A close and personal feeling that allows a deep emotive connection with people and a meaningful experience that lasts over time.

We have designed more than three hundred products marketed by leading brands, such as Bosch, Siemens, Kenwood, AEG, Black & Decker, ABB Niessen, Grupo Uralita...

Since 2002, we have been working directly with Asian companies, which has afforded us in-depth knowledge of their production structure, as well as the necessary competence to ensure the monitoring of our designs. It has also provided us with a wide vision of latest consumer trends and new design approaches in a global culture.

Faithful to our origins in the field of architecture, we combine the design of new products with designing events and exhibitions, which is a very enriching matrix for both activities.

Our involvement in training young designers and our commitment to the evolution of the enterprise has led us to an active reflection on innovation, social and cultural accountability of the design, the evolution of its methods and processes, and their impact on business success. As an outcome of these reflections remains our participation in universities, foundations and business and technological centres.

Español | English


Jaizkibel, SAN IGNACIO 2001