Environmental Management Policy - Ecodesign
The trajectory of ADN DESIGN allows us to be aware of the environmental impact that our activity can generate, through the impacts associated with the life cycle of the products designed in collaboration with our customers. Aware of this responsibility, we commit to develop processes related to design services that we offer, using the most appropriate Ecodesign methodologies and tools for each project.
To implement this activity approach, ADN DESIGN is committed to developing the following principles:
• Establish and maintain over time Environmental Management System according to ISO 14006 ECODESIGN standard.
• Develop from the direction and in coordination with the staff of the company, objectives and targets to integrate the environmental variable in the planning and the development of our business.
• Periodically evaluate the environmental management system of the company and the validity of the objectives, goals and measures adopted.
• Ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations applicable to our facilities and activities.
• Prevent pollution of the environment by reducing, wherever possible, the environmental impacts generated by our activities (consumption, waste ...) and derivatives of the solutions proposed for the designed products.
• Strengthen the human and professional development of all ADN DESIGN Team.
• Ensure the level of participation and motivation of our company's crew, as well as the technical support necessary for the efficient development of its activities, in order to improve the quality and environmental aspects.
• Promote the training, environmental awareness and the implementation of good environmental practices among our employees, suppliers and customers.
• Communicate internally and externally the environmental activities undertaken.
This environmental policy is the framework for setting environmental objectives and targets to be achieved by the organization.
The management team of ADN DESIGN is responsible for ensuring the dissemination and implementation of this policy and to revise and update whenever necessary.

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